IT. pros worry. It’s their job. Their culture. Their most basic instinct.
It’s also the reason for Tripwire Configuration Manager - an automated cyber-security product that lets I.T. pros everywhere worry less about their cloud security, and more about life-altering macro-evolutions, the delicate morality of AI, impending asteroid collisions, (and so on). Anyways, this insight led to a campaign that came a with a pretty fun tagline too:
Worry Less About Your Cloud Security (And More About Everything Else)
Here's the launch video:
Each of these looping videos for social was created using assets from the launch video:
Banner ads followed the same structure.
Tripwire felt the campaign was so fitting for their audience of I.T. pros, they'd wear it on a T-shirt.
CW: Benjy Joung
AD: Kevin Yurasovich
ACD: Lori, Justin Pritchard
CD: Andrew Harper, Kyle Kelley
Director: Adam Littke (Camp Lucky)