IT. pros worry. It’s their job. Their culture. Their most basic instinct.
It’s also the reason for Tripwire Configuration Manager - an automated cyber-security product that lets I.T. pros everywhere worry less about their cloud security, and more about life-altering macro-evolutions, the delicate morality of AI, impending asteroid collisions, (and so on). Anyways, this insight led to a campaign that came a with a pretty fun tagline too:
Worry Less About Your Cloud Security (And More About Everything Else)
Here's the launch video:
Each of these looping videos for social was created using assets from the launch video:
Tripwire: Tripwire automates your cloud security so you can worry more about other things — like the moral compass of future AI.
Tripwire: Tripwire automates your cloud security so you can worry more about other things (like an intergalactic exotic-meats industry).
Tripwire: Tripwire automates your cloud security so you can worry more about rifts in our already enigmatic simulation.
Tripwire: Tripwire automates your cloud security so you can worry more about other things — like what if salad has a soul.
Tripwire: Tripwire automates your cloud security so you can worry more about the inevitably corrupt galactic tourist industry.
Banner ads followed the same structure.

Tripwire felt the campaign was so fitting for their audience of I.T. pros, they'd wear it on a T-shirt.

CW: Benjy Joung
AD: Kevin Yurasovich
ACD: Lori, Justin Pritchard
CD: Andrew Harper, Kyle Kelley
Director: Adam Littke (Camp Lucky)